Review Singkat – Ikigai (Short Review – Ikigai Book Secret of happy and long live of Japanese)

Practical. A straight to the point book. An uncomplicated guide. Unlike usual motivational or personal development books, which have an opening by repeating questions so that we remain curious and try to finish reading.

This book discusses how in Okinawa, a province of Japan, residents can live very long, healthy and happy lives. The so-called youth of 83 years. The two authors conducted research by living there for about a year to observe, interview, video and follow all the activities carried out by the residents.

The steps that must be taken to find ikigai or purpose in life are to follow the “flow”, live in the moment, eat healthy and keep moving.

Not a book with a philosophical nuance even though it discusses the purpose of life. It’s light and can be completed in a day.

Book 6 of 26 in 2023.

Serpong, 16 March 2023

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